The guide to traveling for a healthy holiday

When the holiday season comes, we cannot wait to throw everything aside and head for the nearest travel destination where we can rest from routine activities. For some, finding the nearest beach where they can relax, beautiful islands where they can go sightseeing, and meet new people is the goal for their holiday.

While that’s a great plan for a holiday, you can also enjoy so much more than beautiful beaches and some occasional reading. Do you know you can enjoy your holiday while having fun and boosting your health and fitness?

Traveling to Thailand for a holiday season with your family is a great way to spend some quality time together, learn the art of Muay Thai, and achieve good health.

Have you noticed that most persons get really unhealthy when they go on vacations? They eat the wrong things, gain weight, and sometimes return home with health concerns to handle.

However, Thailand has refined holidays with its Muay Thai training camps where you can spend time training, sparring, and maintaining a wellness routine. You can also use Muay Thai training as a weight-loss therapy because you burn a lot of calories as you practice.

 What are exciting about Muay Thai are its unique techniques that are traceable to Thailand’s unique culture and practices.

Are you considering it? Let’s shed more light on the things you will enjoy when you travel to Thailand for a Muay Thai holiday.

  1. A fitness and weight loss routine

Say goodbye to a reckless and unhealthy holiday. Now, say hello to a holiday that builds discipline, helps keep your weight in check, and improves your health, while you’re having fun. As you engage in sparring, cardio exercises, and other fitness events, you’ll achieve perfect health.

  • Enjoy the intrigues of a taxing sport

Muay Thai training is quite physically taxing, but then, with the difficulty comes excitement and the zeal to push on. Muay Thai engages your body and mind to work towards your daily training goals. As you do this, you build focus, discipline, and patience. You’ll also feel great by the time you’re done.

  • Fun activities to take part in

A Muay Thai holiday is not all work, and you won’t spend your entire holiday throwing punches. There are loads of fun activities to engage in with your family and other tourists. Most Muay Thai camps are situated in beautiful country sides or on islands that have beautiful beaches and views. You’ll have a lot of sights to see and places to visit.

  • The Thai hospitality and culture

Residents of Thailand are very hospitable to tourists, so you will have fun and feel welcomed in this country. You’ll also have opportunities to experience Muay Thai culture by visiting their old temples, market places, or attend the grand carnival that happens yearly.

  • Affordable and comfortable accommodation

Most training camps offer affordable accommodation to tourists. Their hotels are also quite affordable, so you will spend less when you travel to Thailand. Feeding is also affordable, so you don’t have to worry about spending so much.

Make Thailand the destination for your next holiday and you’ll be gushing about it for years to come.

The Perfect Family Weekend

Your next weekend in Thailand can include learning about proper fitness, weight loss, and health when you attend the Muay Thai training camp is perfect for the entire family to learn proven exercise techniques that help you achieve your fitness goals. For the parent concerned about the health of their children, this is a fun, enjoyable way to learn a popular sport. Plus, receive valuable advice on how to maintain good health for a lifetime.

The Muay Thai trholiaining camp was created out of the demand for learning proven techniques in fitness. Techniques that were originally designed for self-defense and now are part of a popular sport, Muay Thai has taken the fitness world by storm.

What is Muay Thai?

Muay Thai was conceived as a means of self-defense for those who did not possess weapons. Based in the martial arts, Muay Thai was created sometime during the 16th century. For many years, the people in modern-day Thailand practice Muay Thai as a daily routine.

What people noticed was the techniques also created leaner bodies, greater mobility, and increased weight loss that could be maintained. By the 20th century, Muay Thai had become an organized sport. When mixed martial arts became popular a century later, Muay Thai took the world stage.

It was then that people around the world noticed the lean, muscular bodies of those who participated in the sport. More tourists came to Thailand to learn the secrets of Muay Thai and that is how the training camp was born.

Why the Training Camp is the Perfect Family Experience?

While proper fitness is a goal for the individual, it is much easier to achieve when you have family members who participate in regular exercise. The training camp provides everyone with the fitness techniques that truly work.

For the parent who is concerned about maintaining good health, the training camp provides proven methods that help you achieve your fitness goals. This means proper weight loss, increased lean muscle mass, and greater mobility.

For those with children, the training camp offers a springboard to a lifetime of health and fitness. The techniques are easy to follow, so that people at all fitness levels can achieve their goals. The emphasis of the camp is to teach the techniques in a safe manner that works for people of all ages. Plus, you and your children will enjoy the experience of learning proper exercise techniques.

And, since the camp itself is short, you can spend the rest of your weekend enjoying the many wonders that Thailand has to offer. The Muay Thai training camp can be completed in just a weekend, so you have plenty of time to relax and explore all the exciting locations in this remarkable country.

The Muay Thai training camp in Thailand teaches proper weight loss, good health, and fitness for the entire family. For children who need a proven exercise program or the parent who wants to improve their health, this is the camp for you. Based on the popular sport, the training camp offers proven fitness techniques, sound health advice, and a path towards maintaining proper weight and wellness for a lifetime. Now Muay Thai camp for holiday is a new business to investment in Thailand.

Sport for your mental health

Most of us have tried to engage in physical activity at least once, but not everyone is a fan of sports and fitness. Still, it is essential to include at least some level of exercise in our daily lives, as recommended by health authorities worldwide and your doctor in your last consultation. However, there’s something similar in almost every sport: most of them are overwhelming, and you can’t actually meet new friends unless you take some extra time before and after each practice. Since being social is an integral part of people’s motivation, not being able to socialize in sports might be one of the reasons why we quit after trying to engage in physical activity.

This is particularly the case if you want to achieve a weight loss goal and have started doing cardio and gym exercises. They are quite dull for some people, and that would make it difficult for you to continue doing it for a very long time. Thus, the question arises about whether or not you can actually practice a sport or increase your levels of physical activity while being social and meeting new people.

Recently, a new trend has become popular after the age of aerobics, and it is taking group classes in gyms and enrolling for functional training. This type of training is advantageous as a social setting as well and improves your health and fitness levels at the same time. Among different classes you may encounter, Muay Thai is probably listed. It has become a popular trend in gyms, and even though it comes from Thailand, it has become a worldwide sport.

This sport has become popular among fitness enthusiasts because it has been found to improve the cardiovascular profile and metabolic health at the same time. Different from many other sports, Muay Thai combines movements using every extremity and muscle in your body. In every session, you will engage in aerobic and anaerobic exercise, and this will contribute to speeding up your metabolism, improving your blood lipid levels, reduce your blood glucose, and improve your endurance levels.

Muay Thai is also a good sport for your mental health. It is an excellent way to relieve stress, and it is known to improve your mood and make you feel better. This martial art is a good way to build resilience and discipline, and excellent if you’re looking for an inclusive sport to teach values and self-confidence to your children.

Learning Muay Thai is now easier than ever because you can find Muay Thai instructors in many different gyms and martial arts academies. However, if you want to have a real Muay Thai experience, learning in Thailand is your best choice. There are many training camps throughout the country, and we have the best Muay Thai instructors to teach the basics about this discipline or improve your technique in advanced classes. Thus, if you’re looking for the best way to learn Muay Thai, go ahead and make your appointment.

Health benefits of sports

The Muay Thai is a form of kickboxing Thailand sport which is known as “the art of eight limbs “. This martial art is generally considered more violent and demanding than “normal” kickboxing, thus allowing movements that could be considered illegal in other disciplines, such as elbow blows in the face.

In Muay Thai the four limbs can be used in many ways; this makes it a very interesting and exciting sport to practice. Without a doubt, it is a combat sport, one by one, that requires a lot of agility, fast and agile movements in the ring.
A typical Muay Thai training is usually divided equally between calisthenics, martial arts training and combat. Thanks to this, the practitioners acquire a great amount of athletic qualities and multiple benefits
Do you still have doubts about the health benefits of practicing Muay Thai? Discover the most remarkable benefits of practicing this sport.

  1. Burn lots of calories
    To be effective in Muay Thai you need to run and jump all the time; that just to prepare your body for the hundreds of kicks and knees that you will throw. Thanks to this requirement, an average person can burn about 690 calories in a typical training session of one hour.
  2. Sharpen your reflexes
    You will not be the only one who throws nudges and kicks: you will also have to dodge your opponent’s blows, which means that you will have to react repeatedly quickly. With the multiple options to attack, dodge and defend you must be fast and accurate to choose the best movement. This will make the brain and muscles communicate with each other more efficiently.
  3. Improves the mental and spiritual aspect
    Muay Thai hardens you from within. This helps boost the body’s immune system , providing strength and resistance to the muscles. All this has effects in turn on the mental psyche of a person, which will make him more and more confident in himself and learn to be disciplined.

Mistakes And How To Reject Them

Muay Thai is a wonderful sport that not just helps you to be athletic, it also helps you learn how to save yourself. The sport has been shown to rise your self-esteem. For you to get the most from it, you need to train. Studies by professionals show that lots of people make plenty of errors that jeopardize their training success. Here are some of the general mistakes and how to go about it:

Not investing in the best training gear

Just like in any other sport, you cannot much if you do not wear the best outfit.  There are lots of Muay Thai gear in the market, but few are best for you. In addition to considering the gear size, you should also consider the standard. To be on the safe side make sure that the gear is of the top standard. Muay Thai gear should contain the following: stand-up shin guards, headgear, boxing gloves, mouth guards, and elbow pads. As rule of thumb reject gear that is too affordable.

Focusing on hard combinations

This is a general mistake made by beginners. While the combinations may look attractive, they often are not successful. They also tend to make you lose your focus. Many beginners pick the combinations as they want to show off their expertise, which is bad. To be on the secure side you should target on 1 or 2 combinations and the master them. When you master them you will forever focus on the sport and be capable to simply knock out your competitors.

Failing to warm up

Bear in mind that Muai Thai is like any other sport you have to heat up before you get into it. One of the most amazing ways of warming up is stretching. To be ready for the sport you should stretch until your body gets past its ease zone. Many people make the error of getting directly into the sport which outcomes in injuries.

Breathing badly

The way that you breathe has a remarkable impact on how successful you are in the sport. Many beginners do not know how to breathe rightly. Most of them are tense and make little breaths. This generally mistakes them tired thus useless in the sport. To be successful you should learn how to breathe rightly. The top way of going about it is being relaxed and calm. This way you will be more relaxed thus take in as much air as possible. The more air you take in the more creative you are. e